Sunday, March 10
2:00 pm*
Giving FREELY of ourselves and what we all gain
In discovering more of God’s universally loving nature, we naturally give more of ourselves. This unexpected way forward lifts everyone.
Melanie Wahlberg, CS
Christian Science practitioner and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
Sunday, March 17
2:00 pm*
Finding TRUST in a changing world
Lack of trust in what used to be reliable sources is common today, so what can we confidently depend on? Recognizing a loving, divine presence can bring the reliable stability and support needed for progress.
Lesley Ruth Pitts, CS
Christian Science practitioner and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
Sunday, April 7
2:00 pm*
How to MAKE CHANGE for the better
Life doesn’t have to feel like it’s caving in. To find lasting peace and even physical healing, we have to go deeper than just managing surface symptoms. We can build on a new basis: life rooted in an all-good God.
Janet Hebarty, CSB
Christian Science practitioner and member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship
*Lecture preceeded by harp recital
Hosted by:
Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist
5510 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011
Phone 202-726-6776
Fourthchurchcs@gmail.com | FourthChurchDC.com
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